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Moth species vary considerably in both size and appearance; for instance, Canadian meal moths measure around 9mm long but possess a wingspan of up to 16 mm; these pantry pests can easily be identified due to the distinctive reddish-brown or copper sheen on their forewings that set them apart from similar pantry-pest species.

Casemaking clothes moths stand out by having a buff-gold hue with reddish-gold hairs lining the head and wings; their fabric pests range in size between 6- 8mm with a wingspread of up to 12 mm; casemaking clothes moths boast dark spots on their wings that differentiate this species from webbing clothes moths.

Signs of Infestation 

Adult non-pest moths feed on nectar and sap; while their larvae feast voraciously on stored food or fabrics. Female moths lay their eggs directly onto these sources so their larvae can start feasting as soon as they hatch; adults tend to reside near their larvae.

Due to this reason, Canadian meal moths tend to inhabit food processing and handling facilities as well as homes. Casemaking clothes moths and webbing clothes moths tend to reside within homes, museums, or fabric-handling facilities.

Canadian meal moth larvae feed off seeds, grains, cereals, dried herbs, and pet food while clothes moth larvae devour wool carpets/rugs/clothing/upholstered furniture/furs among many synthetic blends and cotton blends.

Clothes moth larvae tend to specialize in attacking apparel cuffs and collars, the crevices of upholstered furniture, carpeted areas beneath home furnishings, and old items that may have become dirty or stained over time. They typically attack items that have fallen victim to damage such as pests’ attacks. Larvae can spend two months devouring stored foods or fabrics before pupating and emerging as adult moths 10 days later, at which point they begin reproducing immediately.

Moth Removal

Pheromone traps can assist with the detection and elimination of moth infestation in homes and other structures. Exposing pantry-invading species to extremely high or low temperatures will kill off their developing larvae and eliminate their threat, while home cleaning agents have proven ineffective. An appropriately labelled insecticide product may be used to manage adult moth populations effectively – just read and follow all safety instructions before use! For severe infestations, it may be prudent to consult a pest management professional who will eliminate their threat permanently.

How to Prevent Moth Invasions

Keep an eye out for silk webbing left by larvae of moths; store pantry items in airtight containers; vacuum up any spilt foods immediately, dry clean clothes immediately before steam cleaning furniture; use pheromone traps if possible as ways of protection;

Habitat, Diet, and Lifestyle


Moths can be found throughout Canada’s provinces, often near food sources. Adult moths tend to congregate near breeding sites while developing moths need a constant source of nourishment to develop. Food handling facilities as well as homes may contain species feeding off stored products; while clothes moths commonly infest homes and museums or fabric handling facilities.


Moth adults typically feed on nectar and sap as adults; caterpillar-like larvae of certain moth species inflict damage by attacking stored foods or fabrics such as fabrics. Stored-food pest species devour seeds, grains, cereals, dehydrated herbs, and pet food while clothes moths devour wool carpets/rugs/clothing/upholstered furniture/furs as well as synthetic/cotton blend fabrics such as fur.

Life Cycle

Moths undergo complete metamorphosis through egg-laying on food sources that will support larval development into caterpillars; which undergo multiple transformations before eventually pupating and becoming adults. Development times depend upon temperature, humidity, and diet; usually, one to two months are needed depending on the species. Before pupation occurs, larvae moult multiple times according to temperature conditions in their environment and food availability before pupating in about 10 days in warm climates (but possibly more for cold climate species) before finally emerging as sexually mature adults who begin the reproductive cycle once again when adults emerge as sexually mature individuals ready to continue reproduction.

Commonly Asked Questions

Are Moths A Concern? Moth larvae can do extensive damage to clothing, carpets, upholstery furniture, wall hangings, and museum artefacts as well as pantry products; accidental ingestion of moth cocoons or larvae could even result in severe digestive upset and cause immediate adverse health consequences.

These pests may also signal the existence of an infestation problem at granaries, warehouses, mills, and retail establishments – potentially costing business and profits over time.

Home infestations may be solved by heating stored foods to extremely high or low temperatures; this should kill developing larvae and end any threat of infestation. However, for larger or commercial infestations, professional Pest Control services might be needed for more effective removal and control measures.

Area We Served

Looking for reliable pest management solutions in Ottawa and its neighbouring regions? Look no further than Get ‘Em Out Wildlife Control! Our top-notch pest control services can help you bid farewell to unwelcome pests and enjoy effortless living in Brockville, Russell, Arnprior, Kingston, Embrun, Carleton, Kanata, Kemptville, Nepean, Orleans, Stittsville, Barrhaven, Cornwall, Greely, Glebe and beyond. Contact us today to learn more!