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Most bees live together in groups; some prefer living alone. Honey bees are one of the more well-known examples of social insects; they live in nests called hives with queen bees for reproduction purposes and worker bees of both genders working to defend themselves and keep off threats such as insects that invade nests; these bees usually don’t exhibit aggressive tendencies but do possess stingers with barbs to defend their homes if attacked; when one stings it loses its stinger and dies before becoming aggressive itself!

Bees look similar to wasps, yet tend to have more hair and larger and hairier bodies.

Different Kinds of Bees in Canada

Megachilidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae, and Apidae Bee Families In Canada you’re likely to encounter bees from four families of Megachilidae: Megachilidae; Halictidae; Andrenidae, and Apidae. Megachilidae leafcutter bees prefer nesting either underground or within the plant stem holes using cut pieces of leaves from fallen leaves for nest construction while minter bees belong to the Andrenidae family Halictidae sweat bees can live alone or group while Apidae contains honey bees; Bumblebees and Carpenter bees among others.

Spotting a Bee Infestation

When bees start buzzing around your home or yard in large numbers, that should be taken as a telltale sign that there may be an infestation present.

Nests or hives may also indicate bee problems. Leafcutter or miner bees leave semicircular holes on plants like roses, ash trees, or lilacs while ground-nesting bees could leave small piles of dirt near their nests and fly close to the ground when flying close by.

Carpenter bee infestations are easy to spot because they bore big holes, at least 12 millimetres wide, into the wood. You might also see sawdust near their holes. If you hear buzzing inside your walls, that could mean you’ve got carpenter bees inside your house.

Getting Rid of Bees

Bees can be useful pollinators of plants and manufacturers of honey and beeswax products, yet can sometimes become an inconvenience. Canada alone boasts more than 700 types of bee species which, while they’re essential in some places, can often become nuisances for others.

Though bees tend to be peaceful creatures, large infestations may become aggressive enough to result in stings and attacks against people or pets. To effectively address your bee problem, contact a professional pest control service immediately. 

Keep Bees At Bay

The key to successfully dealing with bees is preventing their presence altogether. Unlike wasps, most bees typically won’t bother you until provoked to do so by yourself or through interference in their nests.

Attractively designed furniture will deter leaf-cutter bees. Cheesecloth or another barrier should protect plants from leaf eater bees while painting or treating wood will prevent carpenter bees from burrowing into it and feeding off of its unprotected wood surfaces.

Where Bees Live, What They Eat, and How They Grow

Bees live all over Canada, and they make their homes in all sorts of different places. Miner bees dig nests right into the ground, either alone or in groups. They line their nests with a special secretion to keep them sturdy. Leafcutter bees also nest alone, usually burrowing into soft or rotting wood and using pieces of leaves to make separate spots for their eggs.

Sweat bees also like to nest in soft wood, usually underground. Some types of sweat bees live alone, while others live in groups, with a queen bee in charge, much like honey bees. Bumblebees and carpenter bees also make nests, with different spots for each egg. Bumblebees build nests a bit like honeybee hives, while carpenter bees like softwood, even in manmade structures.

What Bees Eat

Bees mostly eat pollen and drink nectar from flowers. They have a long tongue-like part called a proboscis to slurp up the nectar. Some bees with long tongues can reach into flowers that others can’t.

Most bees also drink water. Bees that nest in the ground eat a mix of pollen and honey left in each little egg chamber. Honey bee babies get a mix of pollen and nectar that makes a high-protein goo called bee bread. Future queen bees might get a special food called royal jelly from other lady bees.

How Bees Grow

A bee starts life as an egg, then hatches into a larvae, then wraps itself up and changes into a pupa, and finally comes out as an adult bee. In social bee groups, one queen lays all the eggs, and other lady bees take care of them. When new girl bees hatch, they might become queens themselves and start new bee families.

Some social bees, like bumblebees and honey bees, make smaller groups within their colonies. Each colony starts with one queen bee making all the eggs and taking care of the nest. When new lady bees hatch, they help the queen by taking care of the eggs. Most worker bees only live a few weeks or months, while the queen can live for years. Male bees usually die after they mate.

Common Questions

Why Do I Have Bees?

Bees make for cosy dwellings, yet sometimes choose places we would rather they don’t occupy. Carpenter bees prefer soft wood surfaces like eaves or window frames and furniture frames to burrow. Over time they could mess up these surfaces. Leaf-cutter bees make plants appear less tidy by cutting tiny circles out of their leaves causing unnecessary chaos in our gardens.

How Much Should I Worry About Bees? 

Bees can be beneficial to plants, but bees can sting when threatened – that can be scary! Bumblebees tend to sting multiple times while honey bees do the same if someone interferes with their nests or threatens it in some other way. Bee stings may hurt and, on rare occasions, may even pose risks if someone’s allergic.

Area We Served

Experience hassle-free living in Ottawa and its surrounding areas, Brockville, Russell, Arnprior, Kingston, Embrun, Carleton, Kanata, Kemptville, Nepean, Orleans, Stittsville, Barrhaven, Cornwall, Greely &  Glebe with effective pest control solutions from Get ‘Em Out Wildlife Control. Say goodbye to unwanted pests – contact us today for expert pest control company services!

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