Pest profile AMERICAN COCKROACHScientific Name: Periplaneta americana Common Names: American cockroach, Palmetto bug Identification: Size: Adults range from 1.1 to 1.6 inches (2.8 to 4.1 cm) in length. Color: Reddish-brown with a yellowish margin on the pronotum (the...
Brown-Banned Cocroaches
Pest profile Brown-Banned CocroachScientific Name: Supella longipalpa Appearance: The Brown-banded cockroach is a small species, typically ranging from 10 to 14 millimeters in length. It is easily distinguished by the light brown to tan coloration on its body and...
Oriental Cockroaches
Pest profile Oriental CockroachScientific Name: Blatta orientalis Description Appearance: The Oriental Cockroach is a medium-sized species, typically measuring one to 1.25 inches (25-32mm). Males possess wings covering about three-quarters of their abdomen while...
Smoky Brown Cockroaches
Pest profile Smoky Brown CockroachScientific Name: Periplaneta fuliginosa Appearance: The Smoky Brown Cockroach is a relatively large insect, typically ranging from 1 to 1.5 inches (25-40 mm) in length. It is uniformly dark brown to mahogany in color, often with a...
Pest profile The SquirrelPhysical Characteristics: Size: Typically weighing between 400-700 grams and measuring 43-50 cm in length. Color: Varied shades of grey, black, and red.Description: Squirrels are distinguished by their rounded snouts, short ears, and keen...
Wood Cockroaches
Pest profile Wood CockroachScientific Name: Various species within the genus Parcoblatta and related genera Appearance: Wood cockroaches are typically brown in color, with a relatively flat body compared to other cockroach species. They possess long antennae and...
Bumble Bee
Pest profile The Bumble BeeIdentification: Bumble bees (genus Bombus) are robust, hairy bees known for their large size compared to other bee species. They typically have black and yellow stripes on their bodies, although some species may have orange or red markings....
Carpenter Bee
Pest profile Carpenter BeeOverview Carpenter bees (genus Xylocopa) are large, robust bees known for their habit of burrowing into wood to create nesting sites. Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in appearance but can be distinguished from them by their smooth, shiny...
Honey Bee
Pest profile The Honey BeeOverview The honey bee, Apis mellifera, is a crucial pollinator in agricultural systems, contributing to the production of numerous crops. However, in certain contexts, honey bees can be considered pests. This profile provides a comprehensive...
Pest profile The BatOverview Bats belong to the order Chiroptera and are unique among mammals in being capable of sustained flight. While they play a crucial role in many ecosystems as pollinators and pest controllers, they can become pests when they roost in human...