Bumble Bee

The Bumble Bee

Identification: Bumble bees (genus Bombus) are robust, hairy bees known for their large size compared to other bee species. They typically have black and yellow stripes on their bodies, although some species may have orange or red markings. Bumble bees are social insects, living in colonies that can range from dozens to a few hundred individuals.

Habitat: Bumble bees are found in various habitats, including gardens, meadows, forests, and agricultural areas. They often nest in underground burrows, abandoned rodent dens, or other sheltered locations. Some species may also nest above ground in grass clumps, bird nests, or even in buildings.


  1. Foraging: Bumble bees are important pollinators, visiting a wide range of flowering plants to collect pollen and nectar.
  2. Colony Structure: A bumble bee colony typically consists of a queen, workers, and males (drones). Queen bees start the colony each spring by laying eggs that hatch into workers. Later in the season, male bees and new queens emerge and begin breeding with each other, providing further fuel for reproduction and new colonies to establish themselves.
  3. Seasonality: Colonies are annual, with only mated queens overwintering to establish new colonies the following spring.
Pest Profile Bumble bee

Pest Status: 

Bumble bees can be invaluable pollinators; however, in certain instances, they can also pose problems:

  • Nesting Locations: Colonies near human habitation, such as in attics or walls, can lead to conflicts.
  • Aggressiveness: Bumble bees can sting if their nests are disturbed, which poses a risk to humans and pets, especially in sensitive individuals.
  • Crop Damage: In rare cases, bumble bees can cause damage to crops by robbing nectar without effectively pollinating flowers.


Managing bumble bees should prioritize conservation whenever possible due to their vital role in pollination:

  • Nest Removal: If a nest must be removed, it should be done by a professional who can relocate the colony safely.
  • Prevention: Seal potential nesting sites in buildings and structures to prevent colonization.
  • Control Measures: In agricultural settings, alternative methods like netting or row covers may protect crops while allowing pollinators access. contact us for professional assistance in safely managing the situation.

Summary Of Bumble Bees

Bumble bees are valuable pollinators that contribute significantly to ecosystem health and agricultural productivity. While their presence is generally beneficial, conflicts can arise in certain situations, requiring careful management to balance conservation and human safety concerns. In such cases, professional services like Get’Em Out Wildlife Control can provide effective solutions, ensuring both the preservation of these important insects and the safety of people in the area.

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