
Field ants

Field ant


Field ants (Formica spp.) typically come in black, brown, or reddish tones and measure between 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch long. Although often mistaken for carpenter ants due to their similar size and hues, field ants can easily be identified by their unevenly rounded thoraces which allow them to be distinguished.


Field ants can often be found outdoors in fields, meadows, and woodland areas. Nesting in soil mounds that vary in size based on colony size. Field ants prefer dry soil conditions with plenty of drainage as their home base and are known for creating satellite colonies in nearby locations.


These ants are omnivorous eaters, feeding on honeydew produced by aphids, dead insects, sweets or meats from time to time. Although not typically aggressive towards humans, if disturbed they will defend their nest and may bite to defend it with their stingers if disturbed too strongly.

Field ant

Signs of Infestation: 

Signs of a field ant infestation include the presence of large mounds of soil, particularly near buildings or in garden areas. Trails of ants entering and exiting buildings or feeding areas may also indicate their presence.

Risk Factors: 

While field ants are primarily a nuisance pest outdoors, their presence near structures can lead to occasional indoor invasions in search of food or shelter, especially during rainy or hot weather conditions.

Prevention and Control:

  1. Sanitation: Keep outdoor areas clean and free of food debris.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Ensure doors, windows, and cracks are sealed to prevent entry.
  3. Remove Attractants: Trim vegetation away from buildings and reduce excess moisture.
  4. Professional Control: Get ‘Em Out Wildlife Control: If an infestation persists, consult with a Pest Control professional for effective treatments and strategies for prevention.

Summary Of Field Ants: 

Field ants play a role in the ecosystem but can become problematic when their nesting habits bring them into conflict with human habitats. Understanding their behavior and taking preventative steps are the keys to effectively controlling and mitigating its impacts.

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