Wood Cockroaches

Wood Cockroach

Scientific Name: Various species within the genus Parcoblatta and related genera


Wood cockroaches are typically brown in color, with a relatively flat body compared to other cockroach species. They possess long antennae and wings, though they tend to prefer crawling rather than flying.


These cockroaches are commonly found outdoors in wooded areas, particularly in moist, decaying wood such as logs, stumps, and under bark. They may also inhabit leaf litter and mulch around homes and gardens.


  1. Nocturnal: Wood cockroaches are primarily active at night.
  2. Omnivorous: These insects feed on organic matter such as plant debris, decayed vegetation, and even other insects.
  3. Seasonal Migration: They may migrate indoors during periods of extreme weather (hot or cold), seeking shelter and food.
Pest Profile Wood cockroach


Wood cockroaches reproduce relatively slowly compared to other species. Females lay egg cases (oothecae) containing numerous eggs, which they often attach to surfaces in protected areas. For expert removal and prevention strategies, Contact Us at Get’Em Out Wildlife Control

Signs of Infestation:

  1. Sightings: Seeing wood cockroaches indoors, particularly during daylight hours, may indicate an infestation.
  2. Oothecae: Finding egg cases in basements, crawl spaces, or other dark, sheltered areas.
  3. Damage: While not destructive like some other species, they can become a nuisance if they enter homes in large numbers.

Health Concerns: 

Wood cockroaches are not known vectors of human diseases like some other cockroach species (e.g., German cockroaches). However, their presence indoors can still trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals due to shed skins and fecal matter.

Control and Prevention:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Close any cracks around doors, windows, and pipes to block entry and stop potential entryways from the outside world.
  2. Reduce Moisture: Fix leaks and reduce humidity levels indoors.
  3. Remove Food Sources: Keep food tightly sealed and clean up crumbs promptly.
  4. Outdoor Maintenance: Remove decaying wood, leaf litter, and mulch from around the home.

Professional Assistance: 

In cases of persistent infestations or those which require targeted solutions and advice on long-term prevention measures, professional pest control assistance may be essential. Best Ottawa Pest Removal Professionals offer targeted treatments as well as guidance and advice that may lead to long-term prevention measures being put in place.

Summary Of Wood Cockroach 

Get’Em Out Wildlife Control specializes in managing Wood Cockroaches, primarily outdoor pests that may enter homes seeking shelter. While they pose minimal health risks, our services ensure effective removal and ongoing maintenance for peace of mind.

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