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Raccoon Baby Season and the risks involved with handling raccoons.

Late February, early March we start to notice little sounds and big bangs coming from our attics. That’s mom making a nest for her new arrivals. A litter of kits typically 2-8 of the masked bandits.

Raccoons during baby season can be very bold and extremely protective of their offspring. Trying to DIY (do it yourself) the problem can make the problem go from bad to oh my God what have I done really quickly. If mom is locked out of the attic and babies are still inside she will do everything in her power to get back to her babies. This usually means ripping the shingles off your roof and the destruction of soffit and siding.

Get ‘Em Out Wildlife technicians are fully equipped to handle all situations that may arise during baby season. We will be entering the attic to safely remove the babies and reunite them with their mother. They will be kept warm and cozy in our insulated heated GEO reunion box, until mom comes out of the attic to get them. Get ‘Em Out is the only full restoration and professional pest control company to handle all repairs associated with wildlife. From the full repairs of shingles, soffit, siding and complete decontamination and restoration of your attic.

Why live trapping and relocation of wildlife doesn’t work?

In an effort to coexist with wildlife, consider the enormous hardships these intelligent and fascinating raccoons encounter because so much of their habitat has been destroyed. Each year they are forced into closer contact with humans and must compete with us for food, shelter and space.

Live trapping may seem like an immediate and easy fix to your wildlife problem, however it is only a temporary solution. The homeowner should take action to determine what attracted the animal to their property and remove and/or repair the sources of attraction. Otherwise, another animal will take up residence once the other (trapped) animal has been removed. This can quickly turn into a frustrating and reoccurring problem. Wildlife-proofing your home and property is a long-term, preventative, and humane solution.

Why can’t I trap wildlife and move the animal(s) to another area?

In Ontario, it is illegal to trap and relocate animals from the site where they were captured according to the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.

Many people think that live trapping is a humane option because it does not result in the animal’s immediate death. In reality, live-trapping and relocation is inhumane, cruel and ill-advised for the following reasons.

  • Live-trapping causes great stress for the trapped animal, and they could seriously injure themselves as they desperately attempt to escape.
  • The trapped animal is exposed to the elements and can suffer from painful cases of frostbite and heat stroke.
  • If an animal is left in the trap it will suffer for days and will eventually die of exposure or starvation.
  • Domestic animals and other wildlife may harass the trapped animal causing further stress or injury.
  • Trapped and relocated animals may be separated from their young, and the dependent young left behind will die an inhumane death.
  • Relocated animals are at an extreme disadvantage in a new environment. They have to find food, water and shelter in an unfamiliar territory.
  • There may be territorial disputes between the relocated animal and resident animals that can lead to injury and even death.
  • Relocated animals may also spread disease to the resident wildlife population. Therefore, causing other animals to become ill and/or die. Improper use of a live trap, can result in the animal suffering, and ultimately can lead to animal cruelty charges through the Ontario SPCA Act.


Why are raccoon latrines dangerous?

Raccoons are the primary host of Baylisascaris procyonis, a roundworm that can be harmful to people. Roundworm eggs are passed in the feces of infected raccoons, and people become infected by ingesting eggs. Anyone who is exposed to environments where raccoons frequent is potentially at risk. Young children or developmentally disabled persons are at highest risk for infection as they may be more likely to put contaminated fingers, soil, or objects into their mouths.


 What do I do if I find a raccoon latrine?

If you have found a raccoon latrine in or near your home, cleaning the area may prevent possible infection. Eggs in newly deposited feces are not infectious and take at least 2–4 weeks to become infective. Prompt removal and destruction of raccoon feces will reduce risk for exposure and possible infection. (Make sure to ware protective gloves, mask and clothing.) Disposal of the dropping is extremely important as to not expose unsuspecting people.


Raccoon Round Worm (Baylisascaris)

The signs and symptoms of Baylisascaris infection depend on how many eggs are ingested and where in the body the larvae travel to. Once swallowed or inhaled and inside the body, eggs hatch into larvae, which then cause disease when they migrate through the liver, brain, spinal cord, and other organs. Ingesting eggs may lead to serious symptoms. These symptoms may include nausea, fatigue, liver enlargement, lack of coordination, lack of attention to people and surroundings, loss of muscle control, coma, and blindness. Some cases have resulted in death. Signs and symptoms of infection may take a week or so after ingestion of eggs to develop. No effective cure is available. To prevent infection, avoid direct contact with raccoons, especially their feces. Do not keep, feed, or adopt raccoons as pets! Raccoons are wild animals. Discourage raccoons from living in and around your home or parks by removing access to food. Clear brush so raccoons are not likely to make a den on your property. Stay away from areas and materials that might be contaminated by raccoon feces. Raccoons typically defecate at the base of or in raised forks of trees, or on raised horizontal surfaces such as fallen logs, stumps, or large rocks. Raccoon feces also can be found on woodpiles, decks, rooftops, and in attics, garages, and haylofts. Feces usually are dark and tubular, have a pungent odor (usually worse than dog or cat feces), and often contain undigested seeds or other food items.

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